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So...We're going to do a lot of work on the house. A lot of work. However, there are certain parts worth keeping. Like this on the banister.
Pretty neat. Anyone up for refinishing it? We pay well in beer (or coke!) & pizza.
The big challenge is the kitchen. Right now we're using google's SketchUp to look at layouts. I recommend the tool because it's easy to learn and use and gives nice 3D renderings which have allowed us to see what it could look like. More on that later.
Hey Ian,
Congratulations on the new house! I'll definitely check your blog frequently to keep up to date on the latest happenings at Casa de Trabajo. I look forward to seeing the work you're doing on the house. And if you're planning any really big projects that would involve a good deal of manpower committed over a span of about a weekend, let me know and I'll be glad to make my services available, for a reasonable fee of course (ie: beer, pizza, etc). Congrats and good luck!
(So, does my posting have the distinction of the being the first post on your blog? Cool!)
E, at 11:05 AM
Thanks RDES, I will take you up on the offer...stay tuned for more info!
Ian, at 4:38 PM
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