P&S has been signed by all.
OK, so it's a big deal. I'm comitted now. Closing is set for Nov 21st. Figure within a week demo is complete. Elizabeth and I are now trying to figure out the layout and kitchen details. It's kinda scary, but when we were there doing the measurements I had a chance to just sit there. It was very cool to thinik that it's a home, we can do anything we want to it. Very scary. Very exciting.
On a side note...my IACUC tenure has come to a sudden close. The company laid off the entire R&D staff last Friday. I am not a jinx.
On a side note...my IACUC tenure has come to a sudden close. The company laid off the entire R&D staff last Friday. I am not a jinx.
Congratulations on finalizing the closing date. I'm sure you're going to have a blast in your new home. Very cool.
By the way, what does IACUC stand for? And for us non-home owners, what does P&S mean?
E, at 4:46 PM
P&S = Purchase and Sale. It's the document that the buyer and seller sign comitting to exchange the property at the specified $$$ & time & conditions. Legally binding.
Ian, at 8:18 PM
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